Upcoming Trainings

Summer 2024 Continuing Education Series

Presented by Julie Nash, Ph.D., RPT-S


Sponsored by:

Riverside Psychological Associates, LLC

90 Main Street

Centerbrook, CT 06409

Be sure to check back regularly as new content is being added!


Take trainings to build your knowledge and understanding of play therapy, play therapy supervision, or both! Pick and choose which work best for you, or sign up for a bundle (see the bottom of the page for details). All trainings will be live through Zoom and meet APT’s definition of “Live Webinar.” Costs are listed in each description. To register, email [email protected] and you’ll receive confirmation and instructions on how to submit payments. Play therapy credit available to mental health professionals and graduate students in a mental health program.

Scroll down for details!


Play Therapy Trainings:

  • Play and Play Therapy through the Years: Exploring the History of Play Therapy
    • 3 hours, History
  • Creating Powerful Play Therapy: The Therapeutic Powers of Play in Action
    • 4 hours, Play Therapy Special Topics
  • Introduction to Using Sand, Sandtray, and Miniatures in Play Therapy
    • 4 hours: 3 hours, Play Therapy Skills and Methods and 1 hour, Play Therapy History
  • Moving through Childhood into the Teen Years with Child-Centered Play Therapy
    • 3 hours: 1 theory, 2 skills and methods
  • An Overview of Two Play Therapy Theories: Object Relations Play Therapy and Developmental Play Therapy
    • 2 hours, Play Therapy Seminal or Historically Significant Theories
  • Integrating Nature into Sandtray and Play Therapy
    • 3 hours, Special Topics


Play and Play Therapy through the Years: Exploring the History of Play Therapy

Monday July 1, 2024

9:00 a.m. EST to 12:00 p.m. EST 

(one 15 minute break partway through session)

The history of play and play therapy is rich with stories and knowledge of how the field as a whole has developed. This workshop is intended to introduce play therapy trainees and practitioners to a timeline of the development of play and play therapy, along with introductions to the people who made it possible. We will learn how the understanding of the importance of free play has developed and changed across cultural groups throughout history and how play therapy fits in over time, including development of theories, approaches, and settings. 

**Please email [email protected] to register or for information** This training will be a live webinar through Zoom (3 play therapy credit hours) and is limited to 50 participants. Email [email protected] to register. This training is $75. This workshop meets APT’s definition of Live Webinar.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this training, participants will be able to…

  1. Identify at least ten key figures in the history of play therapy.
  2. Identify when and how at least five theories of play therapy developed.
  3. Discuss how free play adapted over at least three historical cultural groups and identify the impact on the development of play therapy.

Creating Powerful Play Therapy: The Therapeutic Powers of Play in Action

 Monday July 8, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.; one 15 minute break midway through session

Play Therapy Special Topics, 4 hours

How does play therapy actually create change while improving mental health and overall functioning? While the therapeutic relationship and other qualities of therapy are necessary, this workshop will teach what it is about play specifically that leads to change. The relationship between individual therapeutic powers of play (or change agents) and the primary traits of play will be explored, while relating to the basic tenets of major theories of play therapy. Understanding these relationships and how to implement them allows for effectively choosing techniques or interventions to give the desired observable outcomes. This process will be described and practiced using didactic and experiential exercises, helping participants to solidify their understanding of play therapy theory and practice. Participants will learn how to match presenting problems with the change agents of play and techniques to achieve desired outcomes, and be better equipped to answer the question “So you just…play?” when speaking with parents, referral sources, and other professionals, as well as when writing treatment plans.

**Please email [email protected] to register or for information** This training will be a live webinar through Zoom (4 play therapy credit hours) and is limited to 50 participants. Email [email protected] to register. This training is $100. This workshop meets APT’s definition of Live Webinar.


Learning Objectives:

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to…

  1. Identify the 20 therapeutic powers of play seen through play therapy.
  2. Identify the eight primary traits of play as used in play therapy.
  3. Demonstrate at least three examples of how to connect basic tenets of theories with specific therapeutic powers of play to use in play therapy to achieve a desired outcome.
  4. Discuss how to choose an intervention to promote a desired observable outcome from play therapy, given a specified therapeutic power of play and trait of play.

Introduction to Using Sand, Sandtray, and Miniatures in Play Therapy

Wednesday July 10, 2024

9:00 a.m. EST to 1:00 p.m. EST

one 15 minute break midway through session

Play Therapy History, 1 hour

Play Therapy Skills and Methods, 3 hours


There are many ways to utilize sand in play therapy including traditional individual sandtrays, family and group trays, using miniatures without sand, and using sand in a school play therapy setting. In this training, participants will learn about the history of sandtray in play therapy as well as many modifications of the original work that are prevalent today. As we discuss how to integrate sand into play therapy, participants will be introduced to a model for introducing the sand, processing the session, and utilizing metaphors. These concepts will be presented from the view of two theoretical orientations. We will also discuss optimal collections of miniatures, set up, and storage of equipment, as well as ways to make these work within multiple budgets and settings.

**Please email [email protected] to register or for information** This training will be a live webinar through Zoom (4 play therapy credit hours) and is limited to 50 participants. Email [email protected] to register. This training is $100. This workshop meets APT’s definition of Live Webinar.


Learning Objectives:

At the end of this training, participants will be able to…

  1. Identify at least 2 major historical figures in sandtray work who used sand in play therapy.
  2. Identify at least 4 ways to incorporate sand into play therapy.
  3. Discuss the primary stages of sandtray work in play therapy and how to adapt as needed.
  4. Identify the primary miniatures used in sandtray in play therapy and why these are important to a collection of miniatures.


Moving through Childhood into the Teen Years with Child-Centered Play Therapy

Tuesday July 16, 2024

12:00 p.m. EST to 3:00 p.m. EST

(one 15 minute break partway through session)

Child-centered play therapy is a modality that utilizes the child’s natural language of play and the therapeutic relationship to help a child overcome psychosocial, behavioral, relational, and emotional challenges. This training will help play therapists understand the theory and principles behind child-centered play therapy as well as the categories of play therapist responses and the ACT model of limit setting during sessions. Participants will be introduced to the materials that are recommended for a well-equipped play therapy room based on child-centered play therapy theory. Implementation of child-centered play therapy with children and adolescents will be discussed, as will adaptations that encourage connections with adolescents in particular. 

 **Please email [email protected] to register or for information** This training will be a live webinar through Zoom (3 play therapy credit hours) and is limited to 50 participants. Email [email protected] to register. This training is $75. This workshop meets APT’s definition of Live Webinar.

  1. Identify the eight core principles of child-centered play therapy outlined by Virginia Axline
  2. Identify and demonstrate the nine categories of responses primarily utilized in child-centered play therapy
  3. Describe the recommended playroom materials in a child-centered play therapy session
  4. Describe at least 3 adaptations to consider for a child-centered play therapy space to encourage therapeutic connections with adolescents

An Overview of Two Play Therapy Theories: Object Relations Play Therapy and Developmental Play Therapy

Thursday July 25, 2024

1:00 p.m. EST to 3:00 p.m. EST

(one 15 minute break midway through session)

Play Therapy Seminal or Historically Significant Theories, 2 hours


Object Relations Play Therapy and Developmental Play Therapy are two of the historically significant or seminal theories recognized by the Association for Play Therapy. This workshop will provide a brief overview of the history of each play therapy theory and founders as well as the basic core tenets. The therapeutic powers of play that are most commonly activated within these theories will be discussed as will interactions with children and parents from these theoretical backgrounds.

**Please email [email protected] to register or for information** This training will be a live webinar through Zoom (2 play therapy credit hours) and is limited to 50 participants. Email [email protected] to register. This training is $50. This workshop meets APT’s definition of Live Webinar.


Learning Objectives:

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the core tenets of Object Relations Play Therapy.
  2. Identify the core tenets of Developmental Play Therapy.
  3. Identify how the therapeutic powers of play are activated within Object Relations Play Therapy and Developmental Play Therapy.


Integrating Nature into Sandtray and Play Therapy

Friday August 2, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EST; one 15 minute break midway through session

Play Therapy Special Topics, 3 hours


Integrating nature-based play into play therapy can have powerful neuropsychological and clinical benefits. Participants will learn the clinical and psychosocial reasons behind integrating nature into play therapy and sandtray work, as well as some historical perspectives. The research on physical and mental health benefits will also be discussed. Participants should come prepared to discuss their own clinical experiences with using nature in play therapy and be ready to think about how to integrate nature into their work especially in this time of technological advances and telehealth.

**Please email [email protected] to register or for information** This training will be a live webinar through Zoom (3 play therapy credit hours) and is limited to 50 participants. Email [email protected] to register. This training is $75. This workshop meets APT’s definition of Live Webinar.


Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify at least 4 benefits to integrating nature-based play into sand and play therapy sessions.
  • Discuss at least 2 potential limitations to using nature-based materials in play therapy.
  • Identify how cultural influences can impact access to nature, and how this can be addressed within play therapy.

About the Presenter: Julie Nash, Ph.D., RPT-S

Dr. Nash is a licensed clinical psychologist and Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor. She obtained her Ph.D. at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey and completed her internship and postdoctoral residency at the Institute of Living in Hartford, CT. Dr. Nash is the author of multiple book chapters on play therapy and her first book, “Nature-based Play Therapy: A Prescriptive Approach to Integrating the Therapeutic Powers of Nature and Play,” was released in November 2023! She has presented at national and international conferences on play therapy and has been trained in using Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to work with children facing the results of a variety of traumas. Dr. Nash is now in private practice as the owner of Riverside Psychological Associates, LLC in Centerbrook, CT where she provides individual and family therapy sessions for people across the age range, as well as continuing education trainings. Dr. Nash is the former president of the New England Association for Play Therapy, and is involved on multiple committees with the Association for Play Therapy. She is currently serving as the Secretary of the Board of Directors of APT.


To register:  Email ([email protected]). If you do not get a response within two business days, please email [email protected] 


These workshops are appropriate for psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, counselors, school counselors, and other mental health professionals who hold at least a master’s degree in a counseling related field. Maximum enrollment is 50 participants per workshop. Participants will be asked to complete a program evaluation form at the completion of the workshop. To obtain continuing education credit, participants must successfully complete a post-test. See “Continuing Education” for more details.

Continuing Education

Continuing education credits will be offered through the Association for Play Therapy. Partial credit cannot be given. Participants must be present for the entire workshop to receive credits. Riverside Psychological Associates, LLC is a Continuing Education Provider for the Association for Play Therapy; APT Approved Provider 14-380. For more information on APT or Play Therapy see www.a4pt.org. Play therapy credit available to mental health professionals and graduate students in a mental health program. Participants must be present with video on for the entire workshop, and a quiz completed with a passing score of at least 80% to be eligible for credits. These workshops meet APT’s definition of “Live Webinar.” 

Fees; Cancellation and Refund Policy; Complaint Process

$20 of the registration fee is nonrefundable. Registration will be taken on a first come, first served basis and is limited to 50 participants per session. Written requests for cancellation will be accepted up to three weeks prior to the workshop, and will receive a refund minus the $20 nonrefundable portion. For questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Nash directly at [email protected]. You should expect a response within 2 business days, otherwise please email [email protected]. If we cannot come to a satisfactory agreement, you are able to file a written complaint with the APT Education & Training Manager. Complaints should first be filed with the Approved Provider as outlined above.

Special Needs

If you have special needs, please inform Riverside Psychological Associates, LLC prior to registration.